Here is the April 2020 episode of Grounds of Freedom. It discussed whether people should be forced to get vaccinations,… Read more Episode13-Freedom & Vaccinations
Tag: Freedom
Episode12-Freedom & Healthcare
This is the January 2020 episode of our animated Youtube series, which looks at who should pay for (and therefore… Read more Episode12-Freedom & Healthcare
Episode11-Defending Freedom
This is the November 2019 episode of the animated Youtube series, which continues where we left off during the last… Read more Episode11-Defending Freedom
Episode10-The 2nd Amendment
This is the October 2019 episode of the animated Youtube series, which continues where we left off during the last… Read more Episode10-The 2nd Amendment
Episode09-Freedom to Bear Arms
This is the September 2019 episode of the animated Youtube series, which begins our second season of content. Fred meets… Read more Episode09-Freedom to Bear Arms
Episode08-Freedom to Fail
This is the May 2019 episode of the animated Youtube series, which closes out our first season of content. Fred… Read more Episode08-Freedom to Fail
Episode07-Is Discrimination Always Bad?
Here is the April 2019 episode of the animated Youtube series. After a few months away, Fred returns to Grounds… Read more Episode07-Is Discrimination Always Bad?
Episode06-Freedom, Rights, & Equality
Here is the January 2019 episode of the animated Youtube series. Fred returns to Grounds of Freedom, and resumes his… Read more Episode06-Freedom, Rights, & Equality
Episode05-Freedom Vs Equality
Here is the December episode of the animated Youtube series. Fred returns to Grounds of Freedom, and has a longer… Read more Episode05-Freedom Vs Equality
Episode04-How Can We Protect Our Freedom?
Here is the next video in our animated Youtube series. Fred returns to Grounds of Freedom, and had another discussion… Read more Episode04-How Can We Protect Our Freedom?
Episode 03 Should Freedom be Limited?
Here is the third video in our animated Youtube series. Fred returns to Grounds of Freedom, and had another discussion… Read more Episode 03 Should Freedom be Limited?
Episode 02 Why is Freedom Valuable?
Here is the second video in our animated Youtube series. Fred returns to Grounds of Freedom, and had another discussion… Read more Episode 02 Why is Freedom Valuable?
Episode 01-What is Freedom?
Here is the first video in our animated Youtube series. We introduce Fred, as he talks with some local students… Read more Episode 01-What is Freedom?